In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell

03 January 2010

Kevin Jennings [Obama's Safe Schools Czar] - Repulsive On International Scale

Would Americans rather not know the facts about Kevin Jennings, Barack Obama's choice to keep our children safe in schools?


Warning - Adult

If you have any doubt as to the danger of Keving Jennings to our children and Barack Obama's judgement in choice of character - please read what the Bulgartians have to say:

From the Source:
Kid porn and racism - the promised "change" from Obama [Bulgarian]

From the Source:
Kid porn and racism - the promised "change" from Obama [English Translation]

Help educate family, friends and neighbors on the dangers and evilness of Jennings by forwarding a link to this posting to them and write your congressmen demanding the removal of Keving Jennings from public service. You can find the contact information for your congressmen at

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